Life Groups at the Life Centre are where we learn and grow together in a thoughtful and caring community. If you are not already a part of a Life Group we encourage you to join one. They take place on different days, at different times, in different locations, and have a wide range of ages. To find out how to connect with a Life Group contact Ernie or Linda Janzen: ask for us at the front desk Sunday mornings; call us at 604-557-1360; or email us at Come join the adventure!
Our Bless the Neighborhood ministry exists to encourage, enable, and support individuals in being Christ’s hands and feet to our neighborhood. We are here to support those in our neighborhood who are in need as well as individuals who wish to bless their neighborhood in a tangible way. If you are in need of support, would like to explore what it means to bless our neighborhood, or would like to partner with us in an area you are passionate about, please contact us at
The ultimate goal of the music ministry at TLC is about creating teams of musicians that point people to Jesus Christ through worship. To properly lead the congregation in a powerful worship experience, the Worship Ministry strives to keep connected with individual musicians to encourage their own personal walk with Christ. Mentoring potential leaders and recruiting is a key part of the Ministry as TLC grows so that there is a strong future for this important part of the faith community.
Check out our Spotify playlist to listen to songs we like to sing each week.
Kid’s Community is a God centered, fun and vibrant place for Children to learn more about God’s great love for them. Our vision is to be a place that invites children into a relationship with Jesus Christ, loving them, equipping them to grow, and to speak truth into other children and adults lives.
Young Adult Ministry is a group where everyone is welcome to connect, find support and be challenged on their faith journey. We gather to share our lives and enjoy the freedom we have in Christ.
For more information, please get in touch with Chris Karema at
At TLC, we desire to be a house of prayer for all nations. We pray in our Life Groups, we have regular prayer gatherings, and we have a prayer chain. For more information about prayer or if you have a prayer request, please contact Grace Uppal at
The Unashamed Youth is a group of ambassadors for Christ. We gather to learn and grow closer to Jesus by building genuine relationships with one another, exploring the Scriptures together, and becoming lifelong disciples of Christ. This youth group caters to Middle School and High School. We Laugh, We Learn, and We Love.
We believe that all of God’s people are called to join Him in mission to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to all the nations. We also believe that God places His call on individuals within our faith community to serve Him full time in local or global missions. As a faith community, we discern, support, and commission these missionaries as they are called.
Join us every Sunday at 2:30pm at 2285 Clearbrook Road (The Gathering Church Facility) .